23. April 2024
We celebrated ‚World Book Day‘ on Tuesday 23 April 2024 in the Gauting Primary School with Mrs Kortus‘ Bilingual Class. Bethan came from the Gauting Partnerschaftsverein (DFEV) and read in English. We chose a ‚tasty‘ theme – FOOD!
First we looked at lots of different books (you can see them on the DFEV Website). Then Bethan read ‚Eat Your Peas‘ by Kes Gray, illustrated by Nick Sharratt. This story is really funny and has lots of parts where everyone joins in. Afterwards Mrs Kortus led us singing a lively song based on Eric Carle’s ‚Today is Monday‘ book. This has different food and actions for each day of the week.
We had a great time with BOOKS – and all this talk about FOOD made us very HUNGRY!